Boeing to produce 184 AH-64s for US Army, international customers

Australia is the 18th nation to select Apaches as their attack aircraft.

AH-64E Apaches

Boeing will build 184 AH-64E Apaches for the U.S. Army and international customers, including the first Apaches for Australia. This $1.9 billion award brings the total current funded value of the contract to $2.1 billion and has the potential to increase to more than $3.8 billion with future obligations.

“We are enhancing the U.S. Army’s attack fleet, while supporting additional partner nations and welcoming our newest Apache customer, the Australian Army,” said Christina Upah, vice president of Attack Helicopter Programs and senior Boeing Mesa, Arizona site executive. “This contract highlights the need for Apaches worldwide.”

The U.S. Army will receive 115 remanufactured Apaches, with an additional 15 Apaches to be procured as options, ensuring significant savings to taxpayers. The additional 54 aircraft will be delivered to partner nations as part of Foreign Military Sales.

This award comes on the heels of the U.S. Army’s Apache fleet surpassing five million flight hours.

Boeing Global Services will continue to deliver training devices, spare provisions, support and test equipment kits, depot support, field engineering and technical manuals. Major advantages in the technical publication area allow for a streamlined process approach to re-use data which reduces operational and sustainment costs.

Under the first multi-year contract, signed in 2017, Boeing delivered 244 remanufactured Apaches to the Army and 24 new-build aircraft to an international customer. The AH-64E is built at the Boeing site in Mesa, Arizona. There are more than 1,275 Apaches currently in operation around the world.