Record US participation in Avalon 2017

More than 80 U.S. companies are exhibiting, representing more than 20 states, including five state pavilions.

Geelong, Australia and Waldwick, New Jersey – U.S. aerospace and defense companies will converge on Geelong and Avalon 2017, the Australian International Aerospace & Defence Exposition, in record numbers this week, looking to build on long-standing bilateral alliances – and a favorable trade and investment economy – to gain a stronger foothold in Australia, one of the fastest growing defense markets in the world, as well as the wider Asia-Pacific region.

More than 80 of America’s leading manufacturers and suppliers, many with proven operating partnerships already in country, are participating in this year’s show, notably: The Boeing Company (Australia is its largest operation outside of the U.S.), Lockheed Martin (more than 800 employees across Australia and New Zealand), Northrop Grumman (aiming to double its Australian footprint in the next three years) and Raytheon (operating locally as Raytheon Australia since 1999).

Collectively, U.S. exhibitors at Avalon represent more than 20 states, including five state economic development groups from Oregon, Maryland, Oklahoma, and a combined New England/New York stand. Oregon arrives on the heels of a nearly $100 million deal that has Perth, Australia-based Orbital UAVE setting up shop in the state to produce engines for Boeing unmanned aerial vehicle subsidiary InSitu. California, the most-represented-state with nearly 20 state-based exhibitors, is also expected to send Eric Eide, Director of International Trade for the Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles, to further interests following the recent opening of Qantas’s US$30 million A380 servicing complex at LAX.

The centerpiece of the American presence at Avalon is the U.S. International Pavilion in Hall 3, organized by Kallman Worldwide Inc., in coordination with numerous U.S. government agencies, including the departments of Commerce, Defense, and State. The Pavilion is a destination for buyers looking for an efficient way to meet leading suppliers, an on-site business center for U.S. exhibitors looking to maximize their exposure and impact at the event, and a networking forum for all to share ideas and insights.

“From publicly traded stalwarts to privately held small-and-medium-sized enterprises, U.S. exhibitors are here because Australia is one of the world’s leading buyers of aerospace and defense equipment, and this event attracts real business prospects and customers,” said Kallman Worldwide President and CEO Tom Kallman. “As the representative of the Australian International Airshow and organizer of the U.S. International Pavilion at Avalon since 2005, our team is proud to work with our counterparts at Industry Defence and Security Australia Ltd. to help exhibitors capitalize on this event and further strengthen our two nations’ bilateral aerospace, defense and economic partnerships.”

In addition to organizing the national Pavilion, Kallman is rolling out its Ask America advocacy campaign inviting show attendees to visit U.S. exhibitors. The Ask America message will be placed prominently on site, integrated into hospitality and VIP events during the show, and promoted in social media.

“The United States is the biggest international exhibitor at Avalon because it’s the world's biggest aerospace and defense supplier, but that’s no guarantee buyers will look to work with U.S. companies over others,” said Kallman. “On behalf of the U.S. International Pavilion, we have a responsibility to advocate not only for our exhibitors, but for our country in this highly competitive global marketplace.

“We invite every Avalon 2017 visitor to ask America because we are listening,” he said. “Whether as manufacturing, supply chain or service partners, the United States is committed to our trade and investment partnerships in Australia, we bring smart ideas to the table, and we have the best-skilled workforce – here and in the States – ready to do the job.”

Source: Kallman Worldwide Inc.